Our Story 品牌故事
Behind the logo
It’s hard to make a logo that represents a counterfeit ideology.
How about a counterfeit logo for a counterfeit ideology?
To create a counterfeit logo, one has to walk a fine balance to make it just right. The logo can not look too much like the original, yet still should remind people of the original. One needs to play it cool; in order to do so, one has to catch the "spirit" of the original. When we look at the logo of the ”World Internet Conference” which is a real annual event starting in 2014, we must scrutinize the logo to capture its essence.
创造一个山寨的logo, 首先要把握细腻的分寸。这个logo既不能看上去太像抄袭的对象,但又得使别人想起抄袭的对象。要做到这一点的唯一办法,就是领会“精神”。比如在抄袭2014年开始举办的“互联网大会”的logo的时候,必须先冷静观察来捕获它的精髓。
The logic of the design follows the original shape and colour palette, with traditional Chinese ink painting and calligraphy elements, which are the most effectively mainstream elements representative of China.
With a nice touch of bright yellow at the head of the "Chinternet Plus," it almost reads as "Internet Plus," which is an economic strategy and ideology for the Chinese internet, but doesn't have a logo due to its abstract nature; it's what Chinternet Plus has effectively counterfeited.
我们的设计理念是按照抄袭对象的形状和色盘的基础上,加以中国水墨和书法这种典型的“中国元素”。在"Chinternet Plus,"的”ch”处点缀一抹黄色,若有若无间,仿佛"Internet Plus," 营造“亲特网+”就是抄袭对象“互联网+”的错觉。
Chinternet Plus
A Counterfeit Ideology
Our Mystery 我们的机密
A trickling deluge of potential
So much can be done with so little. Let your imagination fill the void. Just because something is not visible, does not mean it isn't there. Don't worry.
A simple applause can elicit an overall sense of accomplishment. With the right support, the possibilities are endless. The mystery, is intriguing creativity that gives rise to profound influence.
When you see the invisible, you can do the impossible.
Blue is depths that man will never come to know
but will foolishly never cease to search for
it is the color that always loads inside of you
Our Goal 我们的目标
How to Sell a counterfeit ideology
Dramatic advertising is never too much to sell a counterfeit ideology. Be heavy on the image; the lighting, cool effects, and background environments are just as important as the product itself. It enhances the product greatly.
The viewer’s eye must not be allowed to rest. Pack as much content as you can into the aesthetic.
More is more.
Our Vision 我们的视角
How do we reach it?
Technology does not fix everything, but high end technology does. Reality should not hold back your need to project an image. Practical aesthetics alters reality to suit your vision, this practical aesthetic is powered by MeituPic's Smog Auto-correct, which has been freshly released for consumption. Let smog removal give you back your blue sky.
Reality is not efficient enough, but your smart APPs are.
Our Experience 我们的体验
Cultivating an Emerging Reality
The most creative aspect of Chinternet Plus is that it makes the original a counterfeit. In this reality commentary does not just replace the content, here reality serves comments and gets tips.